«We can’t just consume our way to a more sustainable world»

– Jennifer Nini –

What is sustainable fashion?

For me, living sustainably means being considerate of our planet and the people who live on it. Sustainable fashion has many different facets: from animal welfare to impacts on the environment and ethical working conditions. But it also means as a consumer to be conscious of our shopping choices, taking good care of what we own and thinking about the correct disposal of our belongings.

Why is sustainable fashion important?


It's better for the environment

By using environmentally friendly materials and sustainable processing methods, resources can be saved and preserved. The result: less pollution of air, water and soil and a better future.


It's better for people

Fair wages and good working conditions are important standards for the future of the workers making the garments.


It's better for animals

Apart from obvious reasons, such as the use of animal parts for clothing and accessories, deforestation, water and soil pollution can be reduced or all-together avoided.

What can you do?

Choose right + Think long term

The first step for a more sustainable way of shopping is to choose garments that fit you. Only like this you can ensure that your clothing will last, that you will want to wear it over and over again and that you look your best. If you’re not sure what suits you, a colour- and style consultation can help you. Chose style over trend! Not every trend needs to be followed as not every trend will suit us. When you are buying clothes you should think longterm. Clothes than can be re-used often and combined easily, you will have endless options.

Take good care of your clothes

With the correct know-how about how to take care of your clothes, you can be easy on the environment and also on your clothing. Make them last even longer by repairing small faults or up-cycling or redesigning the item if possible.

Consume less

Buying fair and more sustainable is good, buying less is better. Most of us own more than we need, we often miss out many opportunities of outfits and combinations which are waiting to be discovered in our cupboard. Instead of buying more, try re-combining your clothes or attend a clothes swap event.

Shop consciously

To save resources it’s worth taking a look in a secondhand shop or on a second-hand platform. Also up-cycling your clothes instead of shopping for new ones is more sustainable. If you’re looking for a new item, try out brands that take care of their social and environmental impact.

Find out more about how to practise a more sustainable fashion lifestyle on regular posts on my blog.

It takes 2720 litres of water to make a t-shirt.
That’s how much we normally drink over a 3 year period.